About emojitofavicon.com

Learn more about the Emoji to Favicon generator

Emojitofavicon.com is a generator for emoji favicons for your website.

You can easily and quickly create your own favicon with your favorite emoji and use the generated code to display it on your website.

To learn more visit the FAQs below, we've covered all topics related to emoji favicons.

Here is how it works:
  • 🖱️ Select an emoji from the list or use the search box
  • ✂️ Copy the generated code snippet from the textarea
  • 📋 Paste it into the <head> part of your website
  • 🎉 Enjoy your new emoji favicon

The whole concept is based on the idea by Lea Verou to use emojis in SVG favicons, a relatively new browser feature.

Created by Matthias with ❤️ and Nuxt 3; Design by Paul


How does Emoji to Favicon work?

Emoji to Favicon let's you generate a favicon for your website easily and quickly.

  • You search for an emoji you like
  • You select the emoji by clicking on it
  • This will automatically update the code snippet
  • Now you can click inside the textarea with the code snippet and it will be automatically copied to your clipboard
  • You can head over to your website now and paste the code snippet into the <head></head> part of your website source code.
  • And that's it! If you refresh your website now you will see the new emoji favicon. 🎉

What is a favicon?

A favicon is the small tab icon next to the page's name. It's great for branding and visual representation of your website. This is what it looks like in Google Chrome:

Favicon screenshot

How can I add the generated favicon to my website?

First you need to copy the code snippet from the code area. Just click inside the textare and the code snippet is copied to your clipboard automatically

Now this code snippet needs to be added between the opening and closing <head></head> tags in the source code of you website.

If you save (and maybe upload) these changes, you should see the new emoji favicon now!

You can find a more in depth explanations of favicons at MDN Favicon explanation

Is it really this simple?

Due to the SVG favicon support in major browsers, we are now able to simply generate SVGs which can also contain emoji characters.

Yes, it really is this simple 🙌

Which browsers support emoji favicons?

The emoji favicons generated here rely on the SVG favicons, which are now supported in all major browsers.

Globally ~75% of all browser support this feature, with Safari being the only bigger exception.

You can also use emoji (SVG) favicons in conjuction with tradional favicons as a fallback for devices that don't support this feature.

Why do some emojis look broken?

If an emoji appears broken it means that it is not yet supported by your operating system.

We included all emojis from the v.14.0 unicode list and some are not supported by every operating system yet.
